Thursday, March 31, 2011

CEKAP dari sekolah 4 Huruf!!

Apa yg mpa semo pikiar bila dgr tajuk di atas.. huh!! Oh yeah?? Do I care?? Oppsss.. Ada aQ kesah xtualy..malaih nak ckp.. Hampa nyh .. argg.. tasuka-tasuka-tasuka!! 

Okewh cmnieh arr, kita wt prjajian Pangkor Sahabat..

klu mpa x ckp aQ ngan dya, aQ janji dr aty yg x berapa iklas nyh, aQ takkan ckp mpa semo dh ngan tutttttttttt... hw?? deal??

Orite, perjanjian dipersetujui!! Pasni tamaw dgr tw nama si mangkuk yon yg ada hati kt shake nih,,, hahhaa.. oke naih!! aQ syg gila kt spa yg ikuwt perjanjian ini..

Monday, March 28, 2011

suka-suka-suka (1)

Goodbye to you my trusted friend
We ve known each other since we
Were nine or ten
Together we ve climbed hills and trees
Learned of love and abc s
Skinned our hearts and
Skinned our knees

Goodbye my friend it s hard to die
When all the birds are singing
In the sky
Now that spring is in the air
Pretty girls are everywhere
Think of me and I ll be there

We had joy we had fun we had
Seasons in the sun
But the hills that we climbed were
Just seasons out of time

Goodbye papa please pray for me
I was the black sheep of the family
You tried to teach me right from wrong
Too much wine and too much song
Wonder how I got along

Goodbye papa it s hard to die
When all the birds are singing in the sky
Now that the spring is in the air
Little children everywhere
When you see them I ll be there

We had joy we had fun we had
Seasons in the sun
But the wine and the songs like the
Seasons have all gone
We had joy we had fun we had
Seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song like

[ From: ]

The seasons have all gone

Goodbye michelle my little one
You gave me love and helped
Me find the sun
And every time that I was down
You would always come around
And get my feet back on
The ground

Goodbye michelle it s hard to die
When all the birds are singing in
The sky
Now that the spring is in the air
With the flowers everywhere
I wish that we could both be there

We had joy we had fun we had
Seasons in the sun
But the hills that we climbed were
Just seasons out of time

We had joy we had fun we had
Seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song like the
Seasons have all gone

We had joy we had fun we had
Seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song like the
Seasons have all gone

We had joy we had fun we had
Seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song like the
Seasons have all gone

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Erti Cinta!!

What love is all about? Cinta bleh mmbuatkn kta bhagia, cinta jga bleh mrobek hati! Siapakah PENCINTA TERHEBAT di Alaf ini? Anis dgn Haiman? Iffah dgn Saniy?? Shake ngan Paan?? Nab ngan AZ?? Myrah dgn Lutfi?? Papa pun cba rnungkn erti CINTA di bwh!

Jika kta mncntai sseorg, kta akn sntiasa mndoaknnya wlaupn dya x ada di sisi kta.Tuhan mmbrikn kta 2 kaki utk b'jln, 2 tngan utk mmegng, 2 tlinga utk mndngar dan 2 mata utk mlhat. Ttapi mngapa Tuhan hnya mngnugerhkn skeping hati pda kta? Krana Tuhan tlah mmberikan skeping lgi hti pda sseorng utk kta mncarinya. Itulah Cinta…

Cinta dtg kpd org yg msih mmpunyai hrpan, wlaupun mreka tlah dkcewakn. kpd mrka yg msih p'cya, wlaupun mreka tlah dkhianati. Kpd mreka yg msih ingin mncintai, wlaupun mreka tlah disakiti sbelumnya dan Kpd mreka yg mmpunyai kberanian dan keyakinn utk mmbngunkn kmbli kprcyaan.

Sngguh mnyakitkn mncntai sseorg yg x mncntaimu, ttp lbih mnyakitkn adlh mncntai sseorang dan kamu x p'nah mmiliki kbranian utk mnyatakn cntamu kpdnya.

adangkala kta x mnghrgai org yg mncntai kta spnuh hati, shnga kta khlngannya. Pd saat itu, tiada guna pnyslan krna p'ginya tnpa b'kta lgi. Cintailah sseorg itu ats dsar siapa dya skrg dan bkan siapa dya sblumnya. Ksah slam x prlu diungkit lagi.

Cinta kpd hrta ertinya bakhil, cinta kpd prmpuan ertinya alam, cinta kpd diri ertinya bijaksana, cinta kpd mati ertinya hidup dan cinta kpd Tuhan ertinya Takwa. B'cnta mmg mdah, utk dcntai jga mmg mdah. Tapi utk dcntai oleh org yg kta cntai itulah yg skar dproleh.

Friday, March 11, 2011


OMG!! st nya blan 3.. adoy... msa brjalan bgitu cepat... lagi 5 bulan nk qaya.. err, lagi 7 bulan nk PMR, and lagi 7 bulan gk nk enjoy abes-abesan.. <- saat yg pling ditunggu2..

JUARA.. apa yg mpa pikiar klu dgr prktaan tu?? ooo, yeah ka?? hurmm.. yg sebenar-benarnya, juara tu kelas tambahan utk bdaz form 3 n 5 skolah bahiyah.. dah lar away3 cuty pown ada extra class JUARA.. waaa.. excited gla.. HAHA, xtually langsung dak pown.. aryny aQ nk cta psy CUTI or HOLIDAYS!!

Dah lma x p jalan3.. tp aQ x pnah lar lak nk mngamuk wlwpon x p brcuty, sbbnya aQ boleyh on9, boleyh tngok my pet, Celia, tngok TV puas3, dan keja skolah wt waktu lst3 mnite.. mmg tabiat dr kcil gyh.. tp nk wt cna.. dh taleyh nk ubah.. tp atlast siap gk n boleyh ntar kt cekgu wlwpon xtualy tru kwn.. hehe..

sblom cuty, adalar aQ wt list.. ya ampun... byk kowt homework aQ.. n bila aQ wak kuar smo omwork n ltak ataih meja... fuyoohh... pnuh satu mja aQ dgn homework.. dah lar kena wt folio.. nyh yg qenyah nyh.. haih..

so, this cuty, aQ dh brtekad, nk finishkn smo omwork, pastu kna pi lib kononnya nk wt kajian tntang polio.. tp sbnarnya bkn ada faedahnya.. aQ p lib, mna prnah cry btoy.. sja3 p mlalok ja.. HAHA..
aQ tension gla arr klu p lib.. dh lar taleyh hingar.. pstu kena jd bdax nerd plak.. mna ssuai ngan prwtakan aQ.. yaka?? entahlar... so, klu kita tension.. kita seharusnyalar menghilang tension dgn wt activities yg mampu mnghilangkan smo ke-tensionan itu.. contohnya:

 tp, yg mmbuatkan cuty aQ bgitu brharga ialah.. tadak keja math!! yeahhh... tayah dok ssah dok pikiar cra nk wt solution dya... eventhough, aQ ska math3 tp aQ tasuka omwork math.. sbb klu tcher bg.. msty x ingat dunia dh... n benda nyh jgak boleyh wt aQ tension...

klu x sgala bagai rumus nyh.. takan punya jd brgini ->

x kn punya jadi bergini, am i rite?
  Conclusionya, manfaatlar cuty kamoo skalian.. dan jgn sskali mmbazirkannya.. krana mmbazir itu amalan syaitan... Happy2 lar slalu.. n klu sdih jgak, anda boleyh mncuba prkatan ni.. CHEESE!! <- ajaran dr pnsyarah UUM..  Apa3 pown aQ nk ucapkan selamat brcuty n slamat mnjamu slera di kendury3 yg bnyk sgt dlm masa cuty nyh dan SLEMAT PENGANTIN kpda pihak yg brkenanan,,.. wasalm..