Tuesday, June 18, 2013

♥ Officially 17 y/o ♥

Hai everyone, double triple awesome and adorable earthlings!!

I'm now officially 17 y/o. Oh noo. Dah tua dah aku noh. Hahaha. Bak kata olyn, welcome to the club 17 y/o person :P Humm. Atceli thun ni thun kedua birthday aku jatuh hari sekolah. Taktau perasaan ape yg aku nk gmbarkan. Excited? Seronok? or Biasa-biasa saje?

Tapi satu je aku nak habaq. Besday kali sangat awesome. Pukui 11.54 semalam, satu mesej masuk. Selalu yg awai byk minit ni orang SBP Kubang Pasu :P Nak tahu sape yg pertama tahun ni? Someone yg tak terjengah dlm fikiran aku. Edzra! Org pertama yg jadi bestfriend aku.

4 minutes later. 11,58. From my favourite girl, Syake. Henpon dia buat hal, tidak dia mungkin jadi org yg pertama. Then, tepat jam 12 malam. from my only sis. Memang setiap tahun dia akan tunggu sampai pukui 12 and mai peluk aku. Love you sis ~.~

Celah celah tu byk la mesej yg msuk. Anis, Iffah, Kezen3. Tapi sorang yg aku tunggu tetap tak muncul. Nak buat cena, she's never remember my birthday. Smile :D Sampai sekolah pukui 6.50. Oh mai god, dah lambat sangat. Rushing pi "Fajar Menyinsing" pulak.

Sampai bilik APD, bru nak duduk,  Awin ngan Chip mai peluk.Seriusly, time tu satu perasaan lain muncul. Terharu sangat. I felt like something missing already back! I love them. Seriuslyyy. Kat kelas dgn my super daebak classmates. Thanks for all the wishes! Malu tapi I really appreciate it!!

Thanks jugak dkat cikgu cikgu yg wish. Cikgu Midah, Cikgu Zuraida, Cikgu Halijah. Berjuta lemon terima kasih diucapkan kpd org yg sudi wish and ingat birthday aku. And HAVOC, Thanks for the cute frame. Buat planning senyap senyap noh.. Hahaha. Terkejut jugak tadi, besaqnya hadiah.Ada yg kata Mira depa bagi dkat hg cermin besar kot. Haha. Merapuuu!

Again. Thanks to everyone. May Allah bless you. Have a wonderful day! Friend like you make everyday special. Thank you for existing in my life. Wishing you happines today, tommorrow and always. I love youuuuuuu.

You're the reason I fight, you're the best thing in my life. Laugh a little louder, Love a little hard. (Wish yg pling aku suka.). Thanks sayang.

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